Play: Father John Misty
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Father John Misty.
Rima com calor, rima com frio. Rima com melancolia. Com uma casa livre pela qual se pode ir dançando e entoando as notas. Father John Misty sabe bem. Sabe bem a doçura da música com a arrogância e a ironia das letras e dos vídeos. Sabe bem ver o fato composto e engomado com o cabelo desgrenhado e a barba despenteada. Sabe bem. Father John Misty sabe bem. Aos olhos, aos ouvidos, ao coração.
I Love You Honeybear e When You’re Smiling and Astride Me são as minhas favoritas, mas é tudo bom, é tudo bonito, está tudo certo.
Father John Misty
Rhyme with hot, rhyme with cold. With an empty house around which you can dance and sing. Father John Misty is so good. The sweetness of the music with the arrogance and irony of the letters and videos. The starched suit with messy hair and beard. This is so good. Father John Misty is so good. To the eyes, to the hears, to the heart.
I Love You Honeybear and When You’re Smiling and Astride Me are my favorites but everything is so good, so pretty, so right.

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